Opening hours

We are open every day

Monday to Saturday                       1o am - 5 pm*
Sunday                                              11.30 am - 5 pm*
*From June 15th until September 15th we will remain open until 6 pm. Last admittance 30 minutes before closing.
Sundays include the church holidays:
Easter Monday, Whit Monday, Ascension Day and Christmas Day.

We are closed on:

New Year's Day, Carnival, Easter Sunday and Whitsunday. The treasury is closed on Christmas Day, but the basilica remains open both Christmas Days.
We ask a modest entry fee. The entrance revenues will be used to maintain the basilica, as well as the many art objects under our roofs. Thanks for helping us!
Children under 18, accompanied by an adult                                      free             
Adults                                                                                                          7,00 € 
Students                                                                                                     4,00 €
Additional price for a guided tour                          7,50 € p.p. with a minimum of 30 €
Dogs not allowed. 

For information on our GUIDED TOURS, email us at