Holy Mass

Regular Holy Masses (excluding church holidays):


10.00 am : High Mass in the Basilica

5.00 pm :  Adoration and confession in Saint Matthias church, Boschstraat

6.00 pm : Holy Mass in Saint Matthias church, Boschstraat 

Monday to Friday in the chapel of Saint Servatius
06.45 am : Adoration and International Mass; international breakfast
Monday to Saturday
08:25 am : Worship of the Holy Sacrament (chapel)

09:00 am : Holy Mass (chapel), followed by:

09.45 am : Rosary in the chapel

Wednesdag Evening (excluding holidays and summer months)
  • 6.00 pm: Taizé-celebration in the Chapel
Every first Saturday of the month
  • 09:45-10:15 am: Confession

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During your visit to the Basilica you will have the opportunity to confide your thoughts, worries and questions to the Book of Intentions, located in the Chapel.  Written intentions will be carried to Servatius' burial crypt in our Monday mornings' procession.